Carrier Replies to Booking Assistant Emails

It's essential to ensure your carriers are familiar with interacting with Booking Assistant emails so offers continue to flow smoothly.

First, your carriers will receive your Booking Assistant email when they match the lane in your load:



Your carrier can interact with you in two ways:

  1. They can hit reply and create a new email thread that will be routed to your inbox.
  2. They can engage with this email by clicking on the link below:


If your carrier chooses option #2, it will redirect them to this page where they can make a counteroffer in the app directly. 



You can see all counteroffers and other load activities in the Loads tab.




Check out the offer statuses and what they mean below:

  • Scheduled - the offer is scheduled to be sent, reflecting when the load is first created
  • Invited - the offer has been sent to the carrier
  • Viewed - the offer is viewed by the carrier
  • Counter Received - the carrier has sent a counter-offer
  • Counter Sent - you have sent a counter-offer to the carrier
  • Selected - the carrier has been selected for the load


If you have any further questions, please contact