Carrier Template

The 'Bulk Carrier Template' allows you to upload multiple carriers in your network at one time. There are multiple benefits to having your carriers uploaded and mapped in C4.

The biggest benefit to having your carriers uploaded into C4 is that you can distinguish who is already a compliant carrier while sourcing your lanes. This will save you time during the vetting process and will enhance your engagement with carriers who already know you and your company.

As discussed in another article, you can tell when a carrier is in your network if they are boldened with a network icon. See below:

See steps below to upload your carriers:

1. Go to the drop-down 'Settings' menu in the upper right-hand corner. Then hover over 'Automation Tools' and select 'Carriers'. 

2. Scroll down and click 'Import Carriers'. From there, click the link to download the template. Then, open the file that pops up in your downloads folder.

It is standard in any TMS to be able to export this information allowing you to copy and paste the required fields. Make sure to include information in all required fields of the template so your carriers are uploaded properly.

Required fields include:

  • Business Name
  • MC # - If your carrier is intrastate and does not have an MC, leave this section blank
  • DOT #

The below fields are optional, however, these are helpful information to capture:

  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Hazmat 
    1. If your carrier is Hazmat certified, see accepted values below:
      1. true, True, T
    2. If your carrier is not Hazmat certified, see accepted values below:
      1. false, False, F

Now that your template is completed, save it and proceed to the following steps. 

3. Return to the drop-down 'Settings' menu in the upper right-hand corner. Then hover over 'Automation Tools' and select 'Carriers'. 

Scroll down and click 'Import Carriers'. From there, click 'Choose File'. Then, choose the file you just saved with your carrier information:

Once your file is selected, you will see a preview of the data file. Select 'Upload' and your carriers will be uploaded within seconds. 

If you have any further questions, please contact
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