Managing Your Password

Having a strong password is essential for online security. This guide will show you how to either change your current one for added protection or reset your forgotten password.

Want to Change Your Current Password for Security Reasons?

If you remember your current password and simply want to update it, follow these steps:


1. Go to the Settings menu and select 'Profile.' 


2. Click 'Change Password.'


3. Create a new, strong password and confirm it by typing it again.


Need to Reset Your Forgotten Password?

If you can't remember your current password, follow these steps:


1. On the login page, click 'Forgot password?'


2. Enter the email address associated with your account.


3. You will then receive an email with a 'Reset Password' link.


4. Clicking this link will let you set a new, strong password.


You can also reach out to us so we can reset your password for you!


If you have any further questions or need assistance with managing your password, please contact