Utilize our RFP Tool to Quote More than One Lane at a Time

Running a lane search for every single lane in an RFP would take a lot of time. We have created a solution for you to upload an entire RFP while producing pricing on all lanes in one place.

You can access the RFP Tool in two ways:

1. Select the 'Run RFP' button from the homepage. A pop-up box will appear, and you will select 'Download the file template'

2. Go to the drop-down 'Settings' menu in the upper right-hand corner. Then hover over 'Automation Tools' and select 'RFPs'. From there, just click 'Download the file template'.

Next, the RFP Template will be shown among your Downloads:

Select "Open File" to insert your data. See example data set below:

Save the RFP and upload it into C4. Just follow the same steps above but this time, click the 'Choose File' button.

If everything in the template is uploaded and formatted correctly, you will see a preview with the lane information. 

Select 'Upload' to allow the system to process the data. 

Interpreting the Data

You can access the RFP results in two ways:

1. Go to the drop-down 'Settings' menu in the upper right-hand corner. Then hover over 'Automation Tools' and select 'RFPs'. 

From here, you'll be able to monitor the upload status as well as download the results directly from the platform.

To download the results once the status is 'Completed': select the RFP you want to download, go to 'Actions', and click 'Download'.

2. The second way to access the RFP results is via your email inbox. Shortly after submission, an email will be sent to the user's email address from Cargo Chief citing that the 'Pricing Job' has been completed. Open and view pricing data for all lanes within the RFP. 

Here is an example of the RFP results:

Instead of running a 'Capacity' search for each of these lanes, you are able to capture the pricing data we have available based on the information provided in the template. 

If you have any further questions, please contact Support@cargochief.com
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