Why should I upload my carriers?

The C4 carrier database has over 500,000 carriers. These carriers are primed for new relationships to form; however, it is important to improve carrier relationships you already have. That is where uploading your carrier network comes in.

The biggest benefit to having your carriers uploaded into C4 is to distinguish who is already a complied carrier while sourcing your lanes. This will save you time during the vetting process and will enhance your engagement with carriers who already know you and your company. As discussed in another article, you can tell when a carrier is in your network if they are boldened with a network icon. See below:

A common testimonial of C4 customers is they uncover lanes their carriers run that they did not know of beforehand. 

It can be common knowledge that XYZ carrier can take Salt Lake City to Chicago daily, but what about your Columbus to Chicago lane? C4 can help uncover additional lanes your carriers can run without any work from your procurement team. 

If you have any further questions, please contact Support@cargochief.com
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